Shirodhara Ayurvedic Therapy has a legacy of enhancing emotional well-being and physical health. These practices use various oils, spices, herbs, and other natural elements that can assist in overcoming various physical and mental issues and promotes health and well-being through intricate procedures. In this blog, let’s discuss Shirodhara - Things You Need to Know About Shirodhara Ayurvedic Therapy. If you are searching for an ayurveda clinic Dubai, we provide holistic ayurvedic treatments.
Shirodhara Ayurvedic Therapy is a process of steadily dripping herbal or various types of oil on the forehead to bring a soothing sensation to the mind and body. This type of procedure produces a state of awareness that brings psycho-somatic balance. It is a therapeutic and relaxed head massage that has great benefits. So if you would like to have a slow massage and more relaxation, Shirodhara is a great ayurvedic therapy.
The following are the beneficial aspects of getting Shirodhara Ayurvedic Therapy.
Stress is the reaction the body produces through emotional or physical change that can be the result of an event or a thought that can make an individual nervous, anxious, and frustrated. Shirodhara ayurvedic therapy can be helpful in easing the stress from mind and body that can also bring positive effects to the life of an individual. The Shirodhara therapy clears toxins from the brain and enhances cognitive abilities like concentration and memory. It balances Pita and Vata doshas in the body resulting in regulating the levels of serotonin and aiding in reducing the symptoms of stress and anxiety that includes uneasiness, irritability, and restlessness.
It is believed to open the “third eye” in Shirodhara therapy which results in an elevating sense of mindfulness. Buddhists consider this as the awakening of spirit or complete awareness that empowers an individual to observe their trauma and experiences from a unique perspective that cannot be accessed before.
When did you sleep without worries? The hyperactive mind is always busy at night recalling the experiences or any neurological conditions that can be responsible for your sleeping schedule. Shirodhara clears the way for a night of better and deep sleep. Actually, the therapy relaxes the nerves and calms your mind which can result in many beneficial aspects. You can acquire our effective ayurvedic treatment in Dubai to enjoy life more freely.
Shirodhara Ayurvedic Therapy brings various positive effects on the body and mind of an individual. When the oil is poured on the center of the forehead, it activates a chakra named “agnya” which helps the dilation of blood vessels and boosts the circulation of blood. It also improves the functions of the body and enhances cardiovascular endurance which brings stability to blood pressure. It treats hypertension and abnormal reading of pressure.
Eyes need refreshment in their hectic schedule. Corporate life can hurt the eyes because of the exposure of eyes to blue light. Shirodhara can enhance vision by relaxing and soothing the eye nerves.
Shirodhara ayurvedic therapy commonly uses various types of medicated oils or infusions that can result in calming sensation to the body and mind. Depending on the type of oil used, it is differentiated into the following types.
Ayurvedic practitioners use herbal oils by mixing them with various essential oils and extracts of herbals. This is advantageous for balancing the Vata dosha in the body.
Ksheera Dhara uses milk that is soaked with herbs. Pouring the medicated oil over the head helps in reducing the effect of headaches, stress, and anxiety that are predominated by Pita and Vata dosha. It also helps in nourishing and relaxing the body.
The main ingredient in Takradhara is buttermilk soaked with certain herbs. It is advantageous in balancing Pita dosha and aids in maintaining homeostasis (the ability of the body to remain stable internally despite changes in external conditions).
Decoctions made by using various herbs are used in Kwathdara depending on the dosha imbalance. It helps in balancing Kapha and Vata dosha and is accepted as therapeutic for various conditions as well.
Jala Dhara mainly uses coconut or normal water for the therapy to imbalance pitta dosha in the body. It is commonly suggested in case of ailments that result in excess heat present in the body.
In conclusion, Shirodhara - Things You Need to Know About Shirodhara Ayurvedic Therapy might have got you covered with everything. The modern world is filled with stress, anxiety, and lack of sleep due to daily activities and lifestyle. Through holistic ayurvedic therapies, you can acquire health and well-being of mind and body. If you are in need of ayurvedic treatment, don’t forget to visit our ayurvedic center in Dubai.